How to Start Investing in the Stock Market?

Many people put off investing because they think investing in the stock market needs a lot of money to start. But, this is just not true. You can just start your investment with as little as Rs. 500/- per month. The key to create wealth is developing good habits like regularly investing small amount in the share market every month. If you make a habit of investing regularly you will be in a much stronger financial position in the future. Find the right broker - In India, people trade stocks on the following two platforms: a) Bombay Stock Exchange(BSE) -Established in 1875, it’s the oldest stock exchange in Asia. b) National Stock Exchange(NSE) - This is the largest stock exchange in India. However, to gain access to these exchanges, retail traders need to register with brokerage firms or Depository Participants(DPs) first. It is important to find the right DP as retail investors will buy, store, and sell stocks through them. They will provide the interface through which you will inte...